Governance and Utility

Tokenomics and Governance Allocation for Hexacore's Pocket Space AGO

In the genesis of Hexacore's Pocket Space, HEXACORE Governance tokens will been created and are slated for release over a 2 year horizon.

Initial Distribution Plan:

  • Community: allocated to community members, recognizing their crucial role in the ecosystem.

  • Core Contributors: reserved for the past and future core contributors, vesting over 4 years to incentivize ongoing development and innovation.

  • Investors: a portion will be assigned to investors with a 4-year vesting period, acknowledging their early support and the risk undertaken.

  • Advisors: earmarked for advisors, vesting between 4 to 5 years, to benefit from their strategic guidance over an extended timeframe.

Community Treasury Dynamics:

  • From the outset, HEXACORE tokens are claimable by NFT traders and historical users of Pocket Space, including those with Eve and Doggy NFTs, and PST1 and PST2 tokens, as well as creators who contribute to the richness of the ecosystem.

  • The community treasury, will serve as a reservoir for community distribution. This will fuel grants, initiatives, and incentive programs vital for ecosystem expansion. Specifically, some % is pre-allocated for forthcoming incentive programs.

  • In the event the initial incentive allocation is fully utilized, additional funds may be allocated through a governance vote, reflecting the community's ability to direct resources where they're needed most.

Vesting Schedule:

  • HEXACORE tokens will vest to the community treasury progressively,

  • Core contributors and launch partners will see their HEXACORE allocations vested on a parallel timeline, with an initial 4-month cliff to regulate transfers. Advisors' allocations will follow a 48 to 60-month vesting schedule, with a cliff period ranging from 4 to 16 months, ensuring commitment and sustained advisory support.

This structured release and vesting approach is designed to balance immediate ecosystem needs with long-term development, ensuring Hexacore's Pocket Space AGO remains robust, dynamic, and community-focused.

Last updated